How To Create Multiple Google Workspace Accounts With One Phone Number

Updated July 2024

Google limits the number of Google Workspace accounts that you can create with the same phone number.

If you are sending a high volume of cold emails, and you need to create multiple Google Workspace accounts to scale, then this can be a problem.

In this article, I will explain how you can create as many Google Workspace accounts as you want, even if you only have one phone number.

I will cover the following:

What is Google Workspace & how does it relate to cold email?

Google Workspace is a service that Google offers that allows you to create professional email accounts.

When you are sending cold emails, you should send from a professional email address that is associated with a domain.

You should never send cold emails from your personal email.

screenshot of google workspace homepage

I recommend that you create your professional email accounts using Google Workspace as Google has the most trusted email servers, meaning that your email deliverability will be better (compared to using cheaper alternatives).

You can learn how to set up professional email accounts through Google Workspace in my article How To Set Up A Domain & Mailbox For Cold Email.

Can you create multiple email accounts on a single Google Workspace account?

You can create multiple email accounts on a single Google Workspace account, but I recommend that you don’t do this.

Some people say that you can create three email accounts for each domain.

So if you create a Google Workspace account with one domain, then these people would recommend that you create three email accounts on this one domain in this one Google Workspace account.

I disagree with this advice.

The more email addresses that you create on a domain, the higher your overall sending volume will be on that domain, and the more likely you are to “burn” (blacklist) your domain.

It is safer long term to only create one email account per domain.

image of four different email addresses on four different domains

I recommend that you add only one domain to your Google Workspace account, and only create one email account per domain. I talk more about this topic in my article How Many Email Accounts Can You Create Per Domain For Cold Email?

If you want to scale your cold email outreach, then simply buy more domains, and create a new Google Workspace account for each domain. You can learn how to do this in my article How To Safely Scale Up Your Cold Email Outreach.

How to create multiple Google Workspace accounts with one phone number

Google Workspace only allows you to create a certain number of accounts with the same phone number.

The way that you can get around this is by using a service like TextVerified.

TextVerified (and other similar services) allow you to buy online phone numbers that can receive SMS text messages. You can use these to create and verify new Google Workspace accounts.

screenshot showing homepage of TextVerified

Frequently asked questions

Why do some people need to create multiple Google Workspace accounts?

Some people send a very high volume of cold emails. This means that they need to have many Google Workspace accounts set up as part of their scaling process.

What is the easiest way to create multiple Google Workspace accounts if you only have one phone number?

The easiest way to create multiple Google Workspace accounts is to use a service like TextVerified. Services like this allow you to receive SMS verification messages.

Final thoughts

If you need to create multiple Google Workspace accounts, then you can use a service such as TextVerified to receive SMS verification messages.

This allows you to get around the limits placed by Google on the number of Google Workspace accounts that a single phone number can create.

If you want to learn more about cold email, then check out my article Should You Send Cold Emails From Your Primary Domain?

I also recommend that you read my article How Many Cold Emails Can You Send Per Day?

picture of George Wauchope

Article by

George Wauchope

Founder of Emailchaser.

I have been working in the sales & marketing industry for nearly a decade.

When I’m not working on my business, I enjoy eating sushi & doing jiu-jitsu.

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