How To Safely Scale Up Your Cold Email Campaigns (2024)

Updated October 2024

If you send too many cold emails from a single email account, then your emails will go to spam.

The way to scale your sending volume is by buying secondary domains and creating a new email account with each domain. This allows you to spread your sending volume across multiple email accounts.

You can then use special cold email software (Emailchaser) to connect multiple email accounts to a single campaign (inbox rotation).

In this article, I show you how to increase your sending volume without going to spam:

The problem

The problem with cold email is that if you send too many emails with the same email account, then your emails will be marked as spam by email service providers.

image showing the spam folder in an email account

Some people say that you can send up to 100 cold emails per day per email account, others, such as myself, say that it is safer to only send 40 cold emails per day per email account.

You can read my article How Many Cold Emails Can You Send Per Day Before Going To Spam to learn more about this.

This creates a problem: If you can only send 40 cold emails per day per email account, then how can you scale your cold email campaign?

What if you want to send more than 40 emails per day?

Fortunately, there is a solution.

The solution (inbox rotation)

The soultion is inbox rotation.

This involves buying secondary domains, and creating a new email account with each domain.

Let’s say we can only send 40 cold emails per day per email account; if we want to send 400 cold emails per day, then we would need to buy 10 domains, and set up an email account with each domain.

Using this method, you can scale your cold email campaigns infinitely. The only thing preventing you from sending more emails is the number of domains you buy.

image of four different email addresses on four different domains

Some people say that you can create 2 or 3 email accounts per domain, but I recommend that you only create one email account per domain to be safe.

You should send your cold email campaigns with Emailchaser, because Emailchaser has a built-in feature called "inbox rotation" which allows you to connect multiple email accounts to a single campaign.

Imagine you have 1,000 leads that you want to email in a single campaign. If you only send from one email account, and you only send 40 emails max per day (per email account), then it will take a very long time to email all 1,000 leads.

Using Emailchaser's inbox rotation feature, you can connect multiple email accounts to your campaign, and it will automatically rotate the sending between each email account, allowing you to increase your sending volume far beyond 40 emails per day.

Things to consider

Now that we have established that it is technically possible to send as many cold emails as you want without going to spam, we should consider whether this is even a good idea.

Some people say that volume is what matters most in cold email. Others say that relevancy of your lead list is more important.

In my opinion, it's better to target a smaller list of highly relevant leads. I think sending thousands of generic non-relevant cold emails each day is a losing strategy which will eventually get your domains and email accounts burned.

I recommend that you read my article How To Create An Evergreen Cold Email Campaign. In this article, I show you how to launch a campaign that has relevant leads added to it each week on autopilot.

Frequently asked questions

What is the most difficult part of scaling cold email outreach?

The most difficult part of scaling cold email outreach is finding enough high quality leads that are relevant to your offer.

Are there any risks involved with sending lots of cold emails?

Yes, there is a risk of “burning” your domain, which will cause all of your emails to go to spam. This is why you need to follow the advice in this article.

Final thoughts

You can scale your cold email campaigns infinitely if you buy additional domains and create a new email account with each domain.

You can use Emailchaser's "inbox rotation" feature to connect an unlimited number of email accounts to your campaigns.

However, sending a high volume of cold emails isn't always a good idea. Instead, you should build highly relevant lead lists. You can learn how to do this in my article How To Build A Lead List.

picture of George Wauchope

Article by

George Wauchope

Founder of Emailchaser.

I have been working in the sales & marketing industry for nearly a decade.

When I’m not working on my business, I enjoy eating sushi & doing jiu-jitsu.

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