5 Best B2B Cold Email Templates That Get Responses (2024)

Updated July 2024

You cannot copy a template word for word and expect to receive responses.

A good cold email template will lead you in the right direction, but it is your responsibility to edit it to fit your specific situation.

In this article, I will share 5 effective cold email templates that you can take inspiration from:

1. SaaS template
2. Agency template
3. Gift + demo template
4. Ask about frustrations template
5. Selling advertising space template
6. Bonus template (30% response rate - real case study)

1. SaaS template

If you are doing software sales, meaning that you are selling a SaaS product, then this template is for you.

Below is the template:

screenshot showing a cold email template

This template works well because it’s concise and to the point.

You can learn more about why this template is effective in my article Best Cold Email Template For SaaS Companies.

2. Agency template

If you own an agency, and you want to get new clients, then this template is for you.

This template is very similar to the first template mentioned above, but has been modified for agencies.

Below is the template:

screenshot showing agency template

If you want to learn more about this template, then check out my article Best Cold Email Template For Agencies.

3. Gift + demo template

This template works great for any company that is doing outbound sales.

It involves sending companies a bottle of champagne to congratulate them on their recent fundraising round, and then following up with a cold email to ask if they would like to do a demo.

This template was used in Brex’s most successful outbound sales campaign.

The below tweet is from Brex’s ex-Chief Revenue Officer. In this tweet thread, he explains how they were able to contact 300 companies, and close 169 of them as paying customers using this exact strategy/template:

A lot of people in the cold email community think that you need to send thousands of emails each day to get results.

This is false.

The above tweet thread from Sam Blond proves that building a small targeted list is more effective (when done right).

The below LinkedIn post also discusses this concept, and shows why focusing on the prospects that have the highest possible potential is the better strategy:

4. Ask about frustrations template

This template works well if you are building a product that acts as an alternative to an existing market leader.

It involves making a list of leads that are already using your competitor’s product, and then emailing them to ask if there is anything that frustrates them about their product.

Below is the template:

screenshot showing template

The below tweet thread from Nathan Barry shows how he used this exact template to grow ConvertKit to over $100,000 in MRR.

5. Selling advertising space template

If you have an audience, and you want companies to pay you to advertise to your audience, then this template is effective.

The below tweet thread from Sam Parr shows how he used this template to land his first advertiser for his newsletter “The Hustle”:

Below is an image showing this template:

screenshot showing email template

6. Bonus template (30% response rate - real case study)

Below is a real cold email campaign that I launched that received a 30% response rate.

In the below video, I show you the email copy that I used, as well as how I found the leads:

Frequently asked questions

Should you use a template for cold email?

You should use a template to create an initial draft email. However, it’s important that you edit the template to be relevant to your specific offer.

How to start a cold email template?

The best way to start a cold email template is by adding personalization. You should include your lead’s first name. Also, keep it casual, you don’t want to sound overly formal.

Final thoughts

The cold email templates mentioned in this article are good for most B2B outbound sales campaigns.

However, it’s important to adjust them to be relevant to your business and offer.

There is no magic cold email template that will guarantee you sales.

There are many factors that affect whether a prospect will respond that go beyond your email copy.

I recommend that you read my article 12 Reasons Why Your Cold Emails Are Not Getting Replies.

I also recommend that you check out my article Best Cold Email Software: 40 Top Tools Compared.

picture of George Wauchope

Article by

George Wauchope

Founder of Emailchaser.

I have been working in the sales & marketing industry for nearly a decade.

When I’m not working on my business, I enjoy eating sushi & doing jiu-jitsu.

About the author