The Best Cold Email Template For SaaS Companies (2024)

Updated July 2024

Cold email is a great way for SaaS companies to acquire new customers.

However, most software as a service companies don’t understand how to send effective cold emails.

In this article, I will share the best cold email template that SaaS companies can use to generate sales. This template follows a proven 7-step process:

1. Opening
2. Say who you are and what you do
3. Explain how it works
4. Explain why you are reaching out
5. Build credibility with a case study
6. Additional info (not a call)
7. P.s. line

Pro Tip: Make sure that your cold email is less than 100 words. Long emails have a lower response rate as most people don’t have time to read them.

screenshot showing cold email template

1. Opening

Your opening section needs to tell your prospect two things:

  1. You are personalizing your email just for them. You can achieve this by including their first name.

  2. You are a serious person. You can achieve this by stating upfront that you value their time, and will keep your email short.

I recommend that you use the following for your opening section:

"Hi {first_name},

I know your time is valuable, so I’ll keep this short:"

screenshot showing step 1 in email

2. Say who you are and what you do

The next part of this template is to mention who you are and what you do.

It’s important to keep this as short as possible and not tell your entire life story.

Below is an example of this in action:

“- I’m the founder of Peek, which allows tour companies to accept bookings and payments through their website.”

screenshot of step 2 in email

3. Explain how it works

One of the biggest reasons why prospects don’t respond is because they don’t actually believe that you can do what you say.

Prospects usually have pre-existing beliefs about how things work, and often, these beliefs work to your disadvantage.

If you can briefly explain how your product or service works, then you are much more likely to receive a response.

Below is an example of this:

“- Peek allows you to add a “Book Now” button to your website.”

screenshot of step 3

4. Explain why you are reaching out

It’s important to tell your prospect why you are contacting them.

You can use this as an opportunity to highlight a problem that they currently have, and position yourself as a potential solution.

Below is an example:

“- I saw that your website doesn’t allow people to book and pay online.”

screenshot showing step 4 in an email

5. Build credibility with a case study

Another very common reason why prospects don’t respond is because they don’t think you are legitimate.

They often think you lack credibility.

In order to counter this, it’s important to mention a relevant case study.

Below is an example of such a case study:

“- More than 300 tour companies are already using Peek to accept bookings online.”

screenshot showing step 5

6. Additional info (not a call)

The next step in this template is to ask your prospect if you can send over some additional information.

Most salespeople try asking for a call right out of the gate. This is a mistake.

The majority of prospects will be open to receiving additional information. However, they are not open to you taking up a significant amount of their time on a call.

It’s much more effective to further qualify your prospect by sending them additional information. Then, after they have expressed their interest, you can schedule a call.

Check out the example below:

“Can I send over some additional information?


screenshot showing step 6

7. P.s. line

The final part of this template involves adding a short “P.s. line”.

This does two things:

  1. It makes your email seem more personal, which will result in more responses.

  2. It implements an effective strategy where you ask a top executive to forward your email to the right person. If you are able to get the Founder or CEO of a company to forward your email to the right person, then they are transferring their authority to you, which almost guarantees a response.

Below is an example of this P.s. line:

"P.s. If you aren’t the right person to talk to, then please forward this email to the correct person :)"

screenshot of step 7

How To Write A Cold Email For A SaaS product

The best way to write a cold email when selling a SaaS product is follow my 7-step process:

  1. Opening
  2. Say who you are and what you do
  3. Explain how it works
  4. Explain why you are reaching out
  5. Build credibility with a case study
  6. Additional info (not a call)
  7. P.s. line

If you follow this framework, and keep your email under 100 words, then you will have a high response rate.

If your response rate is still low, then you need to read my article 15 Ways To Improve Your Cold Email Response Rate.

Do Cold Emails Work In SaaS?

Yes, cold emails definitely work in SaaS.

However, they only work if you are selling a SaaS product that solves a real problem.

If you are struggling to get responses, then read my article 12 Reasons Why Your Cold Emails Are Not Getting Replies.

Final thoughts

If you are doing software sales for a SaaS product, then I recommend that you use the below template for your cold emails:

  1. Opening
  2. Say who you are and what you do
  3. Explain how it works
  4. Explain why you are reaching out
  5. Build credibility with a case study
  6. Additional info (not a call)
  7. P.s. line

If you are ready to start sending cold emails, and wondering which tool to use, then check out my article Best Cold Email Software: 40 Top Tools Compared.

Finally, if you need some inspiration, check out the below tweet. It shows Brex’s ex-Chief Revenue Officer sharing their most successful outbound sales campaign:

picture of George Wauchope

Article by

George Wauchope

Founder of Emailchaser.

I have been working in the sales & marketing industry for nearly a decade.

When I’m not working on my business, I enjoy eating sushi & doing jiu-jitsu.

About the author